Artificial turf fields now being explored for ALL 5 LGUSD schools! District seeks community input at March community meetings in prep for April board decision.
March 2, 2022 News Flash Fisher, Lex, and Blossom Hill community members, were you feeling comfortably in the clear? Were you under the impression only Van Meter and Daves Avenue elementary school communities were at any real risk of an artificial turf field? Time to engage in the cause. Artificial turf fields are now being explored for ALL FIVE LGUSD schools: Fisher Middle School Blossom Hill Elementary Lexington Elementary Daves Avenue Elementary Louise Van Meter Elementary While there is not sufficient funding to install artificial turf fields at all 5 sites at the moment, it is unclear which of the 5 existing natural grass fields are at highest risk of being killed off in this first round of renovations. The district will use this present exploration process to inform its current and future priorities. When will a decision be made and by whom? At the 4/21/2022 LGUSD board meeting, the trustees will be presented with some version of the collected input and a...